Roxygurl and the rest of you


Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Please go to the offshore forum and read my post. I apologize for impinging that upon your thread that was a good one and uplifting. I avoid confrontation but I cannot in this case. That was not my quote. Read my reply and if D Parsons had not replied to The Shrinks moving post I would never have entered his threads nor would I have soiled your great thread. I am sorry, but I cannot abide by what I have read and the subsequent posting by Mr. Darryl Parsons in your thread. Saddened, tulsa

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Roxygurl's Mother's Day thread...I have two posts there. tulsa

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
tulsa you hurt badly someone with deep emotional ties in regards to the jewish faith. not me. im italian. but you need to know innocent or not there was no place for that in a mothers day thread. quote or not the crazyest thing ive ever read was hitler was a misunderstood leader. tell that to his victims. osama bin laden and saddams too.i dont get involved in the political forum because theres frightening opinions being expressed everyday in there. but it would not be right for me to pop in with a mothersday wish in the middle of that.ive asked that the thread just be killed.its not up to me tho. im sure you didnt mean to hurt anyone but this came to my attention via email or i wouldnt have seen it.this person was raging mad and its someone as even tempered as ive ever seen.i like you tulsa your everyones buddy ,just be carefull hun cuz you dont know whos behind the posts or the have a great mothers day. have a good weekend.~RG

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Roxygurl, I am sorry if you think I believe any of that trash. I DO NOT. Please read my posts very carefully as I mentioned in that post that is was a Darryl Parsons QUOTE. A QUOTE FROM DARRYL PARSONS. I am absolutely floored by this. My goodness. Please folks, Darryl Parsons had replied to The Shrink's touching message with a positive response and at the same time Darryl Parsons holds a belief system that includes what I showed in quotes >>>indicating quote<<< and I stated at the base of the quote that it was a Darryl Parsons' quote.

I'm not sure how I turned into the bad guy here, but I could not stand by while a 'kind word' was posted by someone with the views that I SHOWED IN QUOTES. That was not appropriate in a Mother's Day thread, no, but I will be damned if I allow that to go unchecked and would never enter Darryl's threads or go about randomly criticizing Darryl Parsons. However, Mr. Parsons entered a thread and responded to a very moving post regarding the Holocaust. I had to share what I know. It bothers me too. Please, do me a favor and read the following thread. If you all think I'm a nut job, then fine. I stand for free communication but I will not stand by quietly when I see such. Please read the following thread from beginning to end in order that you may know what I am saying! You are misreading my intent. Please have your angry emailer mail me at my email that I may share/explain that I hold NONE of those views and I am APALLED BY THEM! I am denouncing these views, not promoting them!!

This, to me, is not funny, not for kicks, yucks, or to stir the pot and I believe this to be deadly serious beyond the careful time I spend fostering relationships on this site. This is more important than what anyone thinks of me. I am moved beyond words that my message has been lost here. Please read this following link below very carefully from beginning to end and see why I became very disturbed at the mother's day post by Mr. Parsons that was a reply to The Shrinks very touching post regarding his mother and the holocaust.
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Ron Mexico. #7
Sep 20, 2004
Tulsa ..u Are A Homo....

You Are A Useless Piece Of A Man And Dont Whine Like A ***** You Useless ***...



RX Ninja
Dec 25, 2004
Tulsa said:
I'm not sure how I turned into the bad guy here, but I could not stand by while a 'kind word' was posted by someone with the views that I SHOWED IN QUOTES.

tulsa I am with you, I saw your >>>>> marking it was a quote from someone else, I didn't go back and read all the history of who said what , I just chimed in because I've never seen you post anything inflammatory - I guess next time make sure you mark the quote in a seperate window instead of using >>>> <<<<<

Jan 21, 2000
I pop into The Rubber Room from time to time on my lunch hour just for the amusement value.

This thread....and its origin threads are not amusing at all.

My family was from Eger, which is in Hungary. They were Jewish winemakers. All of my father's aunts uncles & cousins were killed by the Nazis. My grandfather was the first in his family to cross over to America.....and thus the only one who survived the holocaust.

According to Darrly Parsons though, the Jews (who now control the media) have cleverly mischaracterized Hitler. Tell that to my father.

I don't want to post what I think of Darryl Parsons......even in the Rubber Room.

As for acting coach used to give me the same comment over & over again...."Good concept - poor execution" (that is why you don't see me on tv these days by the way). I know what you were trying to say there Tulsa......and I understand why you wanted to expose Darryl for what he is......but it was unclear that you were quoting someone else.

You are criticized for throwing it into the mother's day thread. I can understand why people feel that way......but I also think it was more inappropriate for a Nazi sympathizer like Darryl to make an insincere post in reply to The Shrink in Roxy's Mother's Day thread.

I am actually too angry right now to even continue this I will just stop here.

Rx Post Doc
Feb 8, 2005
Zapster said:
As for acting coach used to give me the same comment over & over again...."Good concept - poor execution" (that is why you don't see me on tv these days by the way). I know what you were trying to say there Tulsa......and I understand why you wanted to expose Darryl for what he is......but it was unclear that you were quoting someone else.

Zapster, my hands have been shaking since last night I am so upset. They are shaking right now. I thank you and t3a very much for your two posts here. I accept the criticism of 'poor execution' and for that poor execution I am most humbled and offer my deepest apology.

Pete Rose, I'm glad to see you back at it. tulsa

Professional At All Times
Dec 3, 2003

I am a first generation born American son of a Jewish immigrant father who fled Poland with his entire family during the rampage through Europe. One of the most important things my father taught me was to be understanding and foregiving.

I have read your posts and believe that you errored only in judgment as the quotation of Darryl was inappropriate for Roxy's thread regarding Mother's Day. I will not discuss the quotation here but simply say that each of us is human and because of that, we each make mistakes, some much worse then others. For what it's worth, in my opinion, if you are able to learn from your mistakes, you will more then offset this judgment error. As long as we remain on this earth, we can continue to learn and grow. Do not despair.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
tulsa i dont want your hands to shake(tell me your not a surgeon)and i hate that your upset and i dont want you to twist in the winds here. i believe your a good man and you seem distraught by this. heres where i think things got out of hand. as you read thru the posts in the mothersday thread theres quite a few of us who have lost our moms. its an emotional day for us and the week is pure were reading how much our moms meant and its tribute after tribute and suddenly you come across a post that begins HITLER WAS MISUNDERSTOOD...and no one sees the <<< or the >>> that meant you were quoting someone or something.and its so out of place its almost too hard to believe. no one cares you were answering darryl parsons and i doubt anyones shocked by him. ive seen his posts in the political forum and he has strong opinions but hes not someone ive interacted with so i dont know him. it seemed so out of character for sweet loveable tulsa i was floored. the person who alerted me was in total shock. i take back the blast about getting your SS uniform on that was really shiteee and i apologize for that. so relax tulsa and anyone whos sees this post knows it was a misunderstanding. now go have a great weekend you! MUAH! XOXOXO~RG

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I think the same as Steve Perry wanna be on this

Who cares Tulsa, Shrug it off and move on just say it was a bad post

I learned this about posting, no one ever really cares the way you think they do.

Don't let a few people with long paragraphs try and play with your head like that.

I for one, pay real good attention to people and I'll tell you what tulsa I don't even know what the hell you are talking about! haha. (to be honest, it's becuase I avoided the mother's day thread out of respect for my mom)

Seriously. No one cares, and I dont mean that in a bad way. The internet forums and chat rooms are usually just a collection of people who enjoy listening to themselves talk. That's why it's so fun for me to able to know more about posters than pretty much anyone here it comes natural to me from my interpersonal nature.

And Tulsa, I know you as a guy who likes to have a few drinks, joke with the boys, has a good sense of humor, likes flirting with dames and enjoys sports. I think of you that way, not some hitler nonsense from some mothers day thread

keep posting. no more emotional BS
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Sep 20, 2004
RobFunk said:
I think the same as Steve Perry wanna be on this :lolBIG:

Seriously. No one cares, and I dont mean that in a bad way. The internet forums and chat rooms are usually just a collection of people who enjoy listening to themselves talk. That's why it's so fun for me to able to know more about posters than pretty much anyone here it comes natural to me from my interpersonal nature.

The Funk man is in rare form tonight :lolBIG:

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002

Don't stop believing

Even if you and the O's had to go your "seperate ways" the past few years

plus you could probably kick steve's ass and give him a bloody nose

I will take J-man with lime green tank top over wimpy steve and his red or black tank top any day

Sep 20, 2004
Golden Voice of Rock and Roll

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
Journeyman said:
Golden Voice of Rock and Roll
steve perry,lou gramm and journeyman.wheel in the sky baby a girl can want a great make out/sex tip? some fine drink:grandmais and low lighting and a sexy voice combined with steve perry singing lights in the city. j-man can you post the lyrics to that?the long version is always the deal sealer for me.

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